Leelanau Montessori Public School Academy
Leelanau Montessori Public School Academy prepares and empowers its students through an individually tailored Montessori curriculum that meets student needs and allows them to achieve their full potential so they flourish as responsible, productive citizens in the global community.
Throughout its 35-year history, Leelanau Montessori has served many families in the region. Recent brain research supports many of the unique qualities that have been a part of Montessori education for over 100 years, including multi-age groupings, peer teaching, individualized curriculum, the use of hands-on materials, and educating for whole child development. Leelanau County’s Montessori journey began in 1984 with the introduction of the Suttons Bay Children’s House at the base of Herman Road. As these children matured, requests for a Montessori elementary arose. In 1991, Suttons Bay Montessori Elementary opened on East Pine View a 1/2 mile west of the Children’s House. Two years later it moved out of its portable classroom into a home of its own, situated next door to the Children’s House. Both schools were privately owned and funded through tuition. In 1996, Leelanau Montessori Elementary was invited to become a part of Suttons Bay Public School. In 2001, the primary program also merged with the Suttons Bay Public School reuniting the Montessori programs. In 2010, Leelanau Montessori became a charter school authorized by Suttons Bay Public Schools and leased space in the former high school building while sharing activities and resources keeps both communities connected and supportive of each other. |
In 2018, Leelanau Montessori was granted an 8 year charter by Bay Mills Community College and purchased our own building in Lake Leelanau! Leelanau Montessori's history is long and tells the story of a community that values educational choice in Leelanau County. With strong family support, Leelanau Montessori has grown, nurtured and educated hundreds of children in authentic Montessori environments. We look forward to many more years serving families in our region.